To celebrate all things 'mama', we sat down with our friend and the gorgeous Amanda from Melbourne Mama to discuss all things motherhood. With two babies under 18 months and a teenager, Amanda sure knows a thing or two about being a mum.
Enjoy the precious moments.
Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time out to chat with us today. We know how busy you are with Hudson and Easton and your incredible Instagram account. So, thank you.
How are you going with two under 18 months? Superwoman or what?
You know what, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. Day to day we manage quite well. The hardest thing I'm finding is getting out of the door, we have a lot more to pack these days. I was completely terrified when I was pregnant.
Luckily Hudson just loves Easton, he is so fascinated and besotted with his little brother. Overall, we as a family are doing so well, I know in the long run the boys will be best of friends.
Our biggest challenge is keeping Easton safe around Hudson as they are both so small. We have a large playpen set up with a squishy playmat we rotate toys for Hudson to keep him busy. We do need to be alert at all times, he is fast, and he loves his baby brother. Hudson will go to him any chance he gets.
I have heard that with Irish Twins (babies with less than 12 months gap) it is best to tackle big milestones, for example, toilet training at the same time. I only learned this term when I was pregnant with Easton.
When Tinashe is home things are obviously easier and when I am home alone it can get overwhelming at times. When I feel like this I shift my focus back to the babies and what they need and enjoying them. I may not make dinner or get any chores done, however, my mental health is better, everyone is happy, and I can try again the next day.
Does Hudson Interact with Easton well?
Hudson loves Easton to death. We bought Hudson a doll when I was pregnant, so he could understand what was to come. Hudson adores the doll he is so interested in babies. He loves to hold his hand, he wants to give him a bottle or his dummy. He is just so fascinated, we just need to remind him to be gentle. We're very blessed. I'm not in a hurry for them to get bigger but I am very much so looking forward to when they can play together.
What is the best advice you have received?
Not to listen to advice full stop. Mums have so many tips, tricks and useful advice, but no one is the same, take what you need but let the rest go. You will do things differently to your mum, your bestie and your friends.
What do you enjoy most about being a mum?
Smiles, cuddles, giggles, seeing them learn and achieve, watching them sleep the list is endless.
What have been some of the most difficult things and what advice do you have for other mums?
I personally think some of the most challenging things are the little things like loading two little babies into the car on your own. There is no quickly popping into a shop to grab something you adjust and find what works for you. Sometimes it can seem like you do not get any time out which can be tough. Try to make time to do something for you or on your own. This can be as simple as a hot shower, trust me it all helps.
What Mothers in your life have inspired you and why?
I take inspiration from all mothers we all do things differently. Always for the same reasons, there is endless inspiration out there. I'm blown away by the amount of support I have been given by mums I don't know on Instagram. It's such an amazingly supportive forum, I'm forever grateful for this.
How is your daughter with her baby brothers?
Maya is not at all a 'mini mum' which is funny because when people hear I have a teenage girl, they assume she would dote on the babies. She's a great support for me when she is home.
Maya will make, wash and sterilize the bottles plus, watch Hudson if I need her to. Maya just doesn't want to hold babies or be anywhere near a nappy. Hudson adores her and will watch her do anything with hearts in his eyes. They are very sweet together.
What advice would you give your pre-baby self?
Enjoy your time, enjoy time with your partner, enjoy going to the toilet alone and sleep-ins.
What are your top tips for surviving motherhood?
Always be open about your expectations on yourself, your partner and your children. Things don't always go to plan. Relax and enjoy the ride there is always tomorrow, enjoy every moment they are only that little once. They're good and challenging days, remember everyone has their challenging days. Don't compare yourself (or your babies) to others, this is hard these days with social media, but it is important.
Take time out for you and don't feel guilty when you do. You will get lots of advice, but you will always know what's best for your babies so trust your instinct.
Finally, what is your favourite items from our current range?
Without a doubt the Matchy Matchy Robe in the Rainforest Print for me. The Cocoon Swaddle in a 2.5 TOG in the Rainforest Leaves Print for baby E and the Long Sleeve Layer and Sleep Suit Bag 2.5 TOG, again, in the Rainforest Leaves Print for Hudson. I love this print for the whole family. We also love the Southern Cross print, we do love our ergoPouch.
You can follow Amanda and her beautiful family's adventures here @justamelbournemama