Get Crafty with ergoPouch and Friends

We asked some friends to create fun activities using our product packaging to celebrate the festive season. Our super creative friends have worked their magic on our packaging and given you some fun ideas to get busy during the holiday season.

There is something for every little person to enjoy. What a delightful way to get creative this festive season and create entertaining activities for the kiddos while being sustainable. All of our favourite things wrapped up into one cute package, over to you, Dawn, Kara and Erica.

Meet Dawn

Dawn's life as an Artist involves spending her day painting, soap making and running art workshops for children and adults.

Dawn's work, creative career and classes have been featured in many magazines, press and sites. These include Gourmet Traveller, Frankie Magazine, Lunch lady Magazine, Inside Out Magazine, The Age Newspaper, The Herald Sun, The Design Files, A Cup of Jo, and Apartment Therapy.

With a huge passion for sharing and almost 20 years of experience working as an educator, Dawn now runs a particular little art school where children can learn and create alongside her. All classes are held in her Yarraville Yurt! Check out #littleartyurt on Instagram to see all of Dawn's teaching adventures!

Get crafty with Dawn from @handmadelove

We have created three activities for families using ergoPouch packaging (hooray); all the activities will require adults to do with their children. *Especially the gingerbread activity. Fun, the 'snow gluing' and decorating activity will be super exciting for kids two and up! Each activity is of various 'difficulty levels, so kids of all ages can take part in creating magic. It's up to parents to adapt. Have so much FUN!

3 Different craft ideas:

1. Christmas Tree;

2. Hanging Mobile; &

3. Gingerbread House.

Level 1: Christmas Tree:

  1. Cut out 2 x Christmas tree Shapes from cardboard packaging.
  2. Cut a slit on each tree.
  3. Paint, decorate and dry.
  4. Assemble and tada! 

Christmas Tree craft with ergoPouch packaging

Level 2: Hanging Mobile/ Bauble:

  1. Cut out shapes from cardboard packaging.
  2. Colour each shape.
  3. Cut small slits along the edge of a shape.
  4. Tape string onto the back of the shape. Weave string into slits.
  5. Attach a separate string to hang and display your special 'woven shape!'
  6. Or create a few and hang them from a hanger to create a special mobile!

Hanging Mobile craft with ergoPouch packaging

Level 3: Gingerbread House:

  1. Measure and cut cardboard pieces, so you have enough to form a gingerbread house.
  2. Attach pieces using a hot glue gun or tape.
  3. Paint the entire box with brown paint.
  4. Add 'icing details' with white paint. Leave to dry completely.
  5. Spread glue onto the roof of your gingerbread house.
  6. Add on cotton wool to create 'snow'!
  7. Cut out pieces of coloured paper, and glue them onto the gingerbread house as decorations!
  8. Slit two tiny lines at the top of the house. Then, insert carry string (From the Quilt box), so you can carry your gingerbread house around!

Making a gingerbread house craft with ergoPouch packaging

I used paints in each project, but please don't feel you need to; it's really up to you! For example, you could omit paints and stick with markers or colour pencils!


You can follow Dawn on Instagram or find her on her website.


Meet Erica

Hi, my name is Erica; I'm a wife, mum and school teacher.

As a Primary School Teacher, I believe play is how we learn best.

Play is how children learn to interact with the world around them. As they grow up, playing and exploring help them make sense of their surroundings and fully understand who they are in their world. How they develop the initial skills will help them in their daily life as they grow and continue to develop.

Simple activities can profoundly impact a child's development, starting when they are born. So, while I am passionate about play, I also want to stress that I get it! Life is busy, which is exactly why the activities you will find here are simple, easy and honest.

Get crafty with Erica from @chroniclesofplay

Let's make a simple and easy Christmas ornament for the grandparents or even a name tag to add to a present.

Christmas Ornaments made easy

Follow along:

  1. Use the packing of your ergoPouch.
  2. Flip and draw a Christmas tree- also, pull the string for your fairy lights.
  3. Have your little one dip their finger in paint to create the lights on your Christmas tree.
  4. *If painting is not your thing, they could draw the fairy lights with pencils or crayons or even use small coloured stickers.
  5. Keeping Christmas crafts simple and easy and recycling some ergoPouch packaging simultaneously.

Reindeer Hoops Game

Recycled Christmas craft doesn't always need to involve paint and pencils and another new thing to be added to the tree- sometimes, Christmas craft comes in the way of a simple and fun game that can be taken to all Christmas festivities to keep our small humans entertained.

As always, this one is simple and easy and uses things we already have at home.

You will need the following:

  1. Scissors
  2. Pencil
  3. Tape
  4. 1 paper cup

We are going to use the ergoPouch cardboard for this activity.

  1. Start by drawing a reindeer face ensuring that you also include the antlers.
  2. Trace the top of the cup 5 as many times as you can fit on your cardboard.
  3. Flip the cup and trace the bottom to create some rings
  4. Cut out all of these drawings

*You can take the time now to paint, colour or decorate if you wish*

Tape the reindeer head to the paper cup and ensure that it will stand on its own. Now throw the rings and see how many hoops you can hang from the reindeer antlers.

Love it!

You can follow Erica on Instagram.

Meet Kara

Kara is a mum to three boys, Arlo 5 and Finn 2 and Mack 4 weeks old. She is passionate about learning through play and open-ended resources.

Kara is a High School Science teacher and is shares her journey of play through her Instagram page Our.tiny.moments.

Let's make some festive Suncatchers using ergoPouch's packaging.

Christmas Suncatchers

Follow along:

  1. Use a round object to trace a circle on the cardboard.
  2. Cut the circle out.
  3. Measure 1cm inside the circle and cut another circle out.
  4. Use the same round object to measure a circle on clear contact.
  5. Cut out two circles of clear contact out.
  6. Place one of the clear contact circles on the cardboard.
  7. Decorate with glitter and nature pieces.
  8. Cover with a second piece of contact.
  9. Poke a hole and attach the ribbon.

Voila, you're done. Have fun making these with your kids!


Follow Kara on Instagram

Happy Holidays.

With love,

eP x

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